• Motorway, Sunny

    Don’t let the breakdown tear you down

    The Bank Holiday weekend is approaching, and it’s predicted that 15 million cars will be out on the road. With that will inevitably come a surge of breakdowns, stressful at best and dangerous at worst. Here are some breakdown safety tips from, IAM RoadSmart’s head of driving and riding standards, Richard Gladman.

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    Tractors on roads – love them or hate them?

    Living in the countryside is lovely, lots of fresh air (most of the time) less noise and traffic than in towns and some would say a slower pace of life. However I have noticed a few changes since my childhood: tractors for one have really changed.

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    My new role and the IAM RoadSmart 60th birthday car party

    You may seen the announcement and introduction of my new role and what I hope to achieve the previous blog by Sarah Sillars IAM RoadSmart chief executive officer. I’m really excited and proud to say I will be working with IAM RoadSmart during my gap year.

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    Keep a weather eye out for the vulnerable

    With cycling proving to be a popular and convenient way to get around, it is vital to stay alert when sharing the road with vulnerable road users. Here are some tips on what to look out for in summer traffic from IAM RoadSmart’s head of driving and riding standards Richard Gladman.

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    Don’t dream it’s over

    “Careless” and “reckless,” are words we often hear associated with young drivers. Adding to this stigmatisation are the statistics in 2013 the Department of Transport found that 17% of young car drivers that were involved in crashes were careless, reckless or in a hurry, for 16% of accidents loss of control was determined to be a contributory factor and 22% were either travelling too fast for conditions or performed a poor turn or manoeuvre we need to support younger drivers, understand and moreover inspire them to be better drivers.

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