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    A life for a life?

    It’s been a busy festive period for road safety consultations. In the last few week’s major consultations on tougher penalties for the most serious driving offences have arrived alongside one for allowing learners on motorways. Although motorways are our safest roads they do require unique skills which it seems we are all supposed to gain by experience

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    Is spring is the new winter? Tips from IAM RoadSmart

    It’s the second week of the New Year and the only person who seems to have not got the message that winter is supposed to be over is Jack Frost. This week’s tips give advice on how to deal with winter driving and riding whilst travelling during these dark January days, from IAM RoadSmart’s head of driving and riding standards Richard Gladman.

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    What makes you sign on the dotted line?

    First car aspirations are always the funniest. If you are like me, you dream without realisation of your bank account and expect the best car out there, something that can reflect who you are or want to be. My dream car is a BMW 1 series; a car of luxury, muscle and ego.

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    Holiday on ice: Tips from IAM RoadSmart

    It’s the start of the New Year and temperatures have dropped below zero in many places. Even though we hope most drivers will be getting back into their usual routines, the icy roads won’t make the return to work so easy. This week’s tips give advice on how to deal with driving and riding on ice, from IAM RoadSmart’s head of driving and riding standards Richard Gladman.

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    A new furry member of the family

    It’s been nearly 16 years since I last had a four legged bundle of fun who just wants to play, sleep and see what he can get away with all day long. Easy when in the house but if like me you want to take your puppy with you as much as you can, getting them used to the car and teaching them to behave when near other road users is really important.

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