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    Goodbye autumn leaves

    It may seem a little late to be discussing autumn weather but with the impact of the Indian summer, all of the seasons have been pushed back a spell. Many of us will be taking to the road this week on the daily commute. Here are some tips to prepare drivers and riders on this late leaf falling season from IAM RoadSmart’s head of driving and riding standards Richard Gladman.

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    Looking is not always seeing

    As the clocks have gone back and we are starting to practice “hygge”, the latest feel-good craze imported from Denmark (creating a nice, warm atmosphere and enjoying the good things in life with good people around you), this is a time when we need to be extra vigilant and start looking and seeing.

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    National Stress Awareness Day

    Today is National Stress Awareness Day and MIND, a mental health charity, is focussing on its Blue Light Programme. This highlights the support needed for emergency services in regard to mental health issues. Their independent research stated “9 out of 10 of the emergency service staff and volunteers who completed their survey had experienced stress, low mood or poor mental health at some point whilst working for the emergency services.”

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    Wild with fireworks

    They say that Paris is a city of lights and Sydney is the city of fireworks. Well enter London from stage right, as we celebrate bonfire night on Saturday (5th). This week’s tips give advice on how to stay safe driving and riding during the fireworks. Many of us will be taking to the road this week, going to light fireworks or watch them at our local parks. Here are some tips to prepare drivers and riders for the firework season from IAM RoadSmart’s head of driving and riding standards Richard Gladman.

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    Social media – a power for good

    Social media, it seems can bring out the worst in people. For some it offers an opportunity to share negative opinions that would most likely be internalised, in any other social setting or interaction. Trolling and fat shaming are just two examples. A whole host of celebrities have ditched their social accounts due to harassment and bullying.

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