A recent enquiry about headlight dazzle got me thinking about how lights have developed since the days of my old BMC Mini. The at best flickering yellow glow the front end of my old friend was made even worse by a wiring malady which, despite the best efforts of a number of ‘auto sparks’ and talented workers (in their own eyes), was never cured.
More informationMobile communications and GPS systems used as sat-navs are becoming very common in cars. Whether you are connecting your Bluetooth to blast tunes or looking for the nearest Waitrose, these have become a fundamental part of the daily drive for many of us.
More informationI write this after having driven up and down the longest average speed camera equipped road in the UK (and possibly the world), which is the A9 from Dunblane to Inverness. IAM RoadSmart is a member of the A9 safety group; we normally meet at the southern end but this time round we were in Inverness, giving me the ideal opportunity to see the entire system in action again.
More informationWe are all made up of different shapes and sizes, from old to young and within our unique make-up we each have a different set of problems and vulnerabilities. This week’s tips give advice on sharing the road with vulnerable road users, from IAM RoadSmart’s head of driving and riding standards Richard Gladman.
More informationEmergency vehicles are everywhere, going at unexpected speeds responding to the needs of the public. They do not expect you to put yourself or others in danger to facilitate this. This week’s tips give advice on how to handle approaching emergency vehicles whilst travelling on the roads, from IAM RoadSmart’s head of driving and riding standards Richard Gladman.
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