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    IAM RoadSmart at The London Motor Show

    On Thursday 4 May 2017 Eloise Peabody-Rolf, IAM RoadSmart's younger driver ambassador headed up to Battersea Evolution in Battersea Park to the London Motor Show (LMS). As part of the events and activities planned for our 2017 Year of the Observer initiative, our hard working observers, examiners and group officials had been invited to attend a VIP Drinks Reception on the Thursday evening, the LMS’s opening day, and was delighted to be there as part of the IAM RoadSmart team.

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    You booze, you cruise, you lose: tips from IAM RoadSmart

    Drunk motorists cause thousands of accidents on UK roads every year. Some 1,380 people were killed or seriously injured when at least one driver was over the limit. This represents a statistically significant rise from 1,310 in 2014. A lot of people may be surprised to learn that accidents occur the most over the summer period. This week’s tips give advice on drink driving, from IAM RoadSmart’s head of driving and riding standards Richard Gladman.

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    Give a Hoot, Don’t Pollute: tips from IAM RoadSmart

    The planet will survive the question is whether we will be here to live and enjoy it. Littering and packing unnecessary weight in our cars are factors that are heavily impacting the environment. This week’s tips give advice on riding and driving with for the benefit of the environment, from IAM RoadSmart’s head of driving and riding standards Richard Gladman

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    The Butterfly Effect

    There have been a number of highly publicised incidents involving older drivers in the last few weeks. Although these cases are very tragic, it would be harmful for us as a society to take these incidents, out of proportion. We highlight why.

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    Using a Sat Nav: tips from IAM RoadSmart

    Satellite navigation systems (sat navs) are a must have these days but many road users fail to use this travel companion in the correct or safe manner. In a recent simulator study looking at a variety of distractions, programming a sat nav had the biggest negative impact on driving standards. This week’s tips give advice on riding and driving with a sat navs, from IAM RoadSmart’s head of driving and riding standards Richard Gladman.

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