
    Keeping your vehicle in good running order: Practical maintenance tips for your car or motorcycle

    With COVID travel restrictions still in place across much of the UK and - even in regions where the rules have been recently relaxed – with many people choosing to stay at home more often, it can be easy to forget about your car or motorcycle. Richard Gladman, Head of Driving and Riding Standards at IAM RoadSmart shares some tips on how to help ensure your vehicle remains in good condition while it is not being used.

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    Avoiding collisions with animals - tips from IAM RoadSmart

    Wherever you are travelling, a collision with wildlife of any species is something you’ll want to avoid – not only to protect yourself, your passengers, your vehicle and the other road users around you, but also our lovely British animals. Neil Greig, Policy & Research Director at IAM RoadSmart, has these useful tips to help you avoid colliding with wildlife when you are driving or motorcycle riding.

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  • Driving in the dark

    Keeping pedestrians safe after dark.

    Head of Driving and Riding Standards, Richard Gladman, shares tips on driving keeping pedestrians safe in the dark. Statistically we see more incidents involving pedestrians and vulnerable road users during the months of October and March. Most incidents happen between 3pm and 7pm. So it's essential all drivers take extra care during the darker autumn and winter evenings, and keep their eyes peeled for vulnerable pedestrians and road users at night.

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  • Dashcam

    A picture paints a thousand words. Dashcam tips from IAM RoadSmart

    There is no doubt that dash-cam footage is invaluable in exposing scam claims and can be of benefit when it all goes wrong. IAM RoadSmart’s Richard Gladman, Head of Driving & Riding Standards shares some simple essentials to consider if you are fitting a camera to your car.

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    Tips: Driver assisted technology

    Last week a new grading system for assisted driving systems was launched by Thatcham Research and Euro NCAP which is designed to give consumers a clearer understanding of the driver assistance on new vehicles. Tim Shallcross Head of Technical Policy and Advice for IAM Roadsmart shares some tips with us about assisted driving technology.

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