• Christmas

    Reducing stress this Christmas

    Stress is something everyone feels at times, and there are all kinds of stressful situations that can be a part of daily life. Christmas is a time of year that can add additional stresses to our lives so it’s very important to monitor and pay attention for your wellbeing – after all, mental health doesn’t take time off at Christmas.

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  • Washing motorbike

    Preparing your bike for winter

    With the arrival of colder and wetter weather, most riders decide now is the time to hang up their helmets and stop using their bike throughout winter. However, it isn’t as simple of just not riding a motorbike, that's why IAM RoadSmart has pulled together some top tips on how to store your motorcycle safely.

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  • EV charging station

    Charging up across the UK

    As part of a Ten-point plan to support its net zero goals to 2050, the UK government announced a plan to end the sale of new petrol and diesel cars from 2030 onwards. But is the UK’s charging infrastructure ready?

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    The big skills refresher

    As an IAM RoadSmart poll revealed reduced levels of confidence among non-advanced riders and drivers, Richard Gladman, IAM RoadSmart’s Head of Driving and Riding Standards, shares the essential skills everyone needs for staying sharp and keeping safe.

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  • Breakdown

    Avoid any horror breakdowns

    Breaking down can be dangerous and incredibly inconvenient, particularly if you’re travelling for a family getaway this October half-term. But with 488 miles of England’s motorway network made up of smart motorways and their hard shoulder becoming another lane to ease traffic flow, it’s more important than ever to ensure you can prevent avoidable breakdowns.

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