• ev-charging-station-1

    But what’s the difference? IAM RoadSmart compare BEV, HEV and PHEV

    To help clear up the confusion and compare the differences between BEV's, HEV's and PHEV's available on the market IAM RoadSmart’s Corporate Training Manager, Lloyd Jones, is on hand with his expert advice.

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  • Pedestrians

    Steps to keeping pedestrians safe

    Now that summer is well and truly over and the clocks are reverting by one hour on 31st October, the colder and darker evenings are now drawing in. Statistically we see more incidents involving pedestrians and vulnerable road users from October to March than we do throughout the rest of the year, with most incidents happening between 3pm and 7pm. With this in mind we need to take special care to look out for pedestrians and other road users when it’s dark.

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  • electric car

    Debunking the myths about electric vehicles

    More people are planning to ditch the petrol and diesel engines in favour for an eco-friendlier electric option, yet myths surrounding the technology still exist. Whether it’s range anxiety, the charging infrastructure, or the longevity of the battery – many drivers are still wary of making the switch.

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    The true impact of COVID on our roads

    The COVID-19 pandemic has been akin to a car crash for the UK’s health and economy. But collateral damage caused by the virus has also impacted other areas of people’s lives, including when it comes to getting behind the wheel.

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  • Empty road

    Save Lives, Think Green, Consider Others

    Pandemic lockdowns and travel restrictions caused dramatic but short-lived improvements in air quality and drops in air pollution. COVID-19 transformed the way of life for millions worldwide and demonstrated the way in which people can adapt their lifestyles to improve the environment.

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