• Tips for Tyre Safety Month

    Tips For Tyre Safety Month

    As part of this year’s Tyre Safety Month campaign, motorists are being urged to consider the risks involved in inadequate safety checks on their vehicle’s tyres and the potentially fatal consequences if they need to stop in an emergency.

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  • Fuel Consumption

    Fuel Consumption

    We are all aware of the cost-of-living crisis and know that, now more than ever, every saving helps. With fuel prices considered to be one of the highest personal costs in the UK, now is a great time to familiarise yourself with ways to save fuel without too much compromise. So, how can we save on our fuel consumption?

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  • Rubbernecking

    Rubbernecking: The Dangers

    Do you find yourself getting distracted when driving or riding? There is always activity happening around us on the roads. Distractions can occur inside or outside the vehicle, taking our focus away from the road ahead.

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  • The Importance of Good Eye Health

    The importance of good eye health

    What are the implications of poor eyesight and driving? According to official UK government statistics, in 2020, uncorrected or defective vision was a contributory factor in 10 fatal crashes, 56 serious injury crashes and 99 slight injury crashes.

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  • HC 8 months on banner

    The Highway Code - 8 months on

    On the 29th of January we saw eight new rules as well as 49 revisions to existing rules introduced in the Highway Code. Now 8 months on how have things developed? Have you been putting the new rules into practice?

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