In the dark, it’s not just drivers and riders who need to be a bit more careful, vulnerable road users such as pedestrians need to be aware of the dangers too. IAM RoadSmart’s Head of Driving and Riding Standards, Richard Gladman, has put together some tips to keep road users safe.
More informationMiles per gallon or kilowatts per hour is all meaningless if your car can’t get anywhere near the claimed figures for economy.
More informationWe’re starting to experience windy, chilly starts to the day. And driving home from work in the dark confirms that autumn is officially here.
More informationThe term ‘road rage’ is sure to strike fear into the hearts of even the strongest driver. Have you ever been the victim of it?
More informationAlthough the sun is still shining, the chilly mornings are starting to creep in. Richard Gladman, IAM RoadSmart’s head of driving and riding standards, has put together some tips to prepare you for the colder weather that’s nearing us.
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