This week is Child Safety Week and IAM RoadSmart’s head of driving and riding standards, Richard Gladman, has put together five key tips to keeping your child safe in your vehicle. Read Richard’s useful information about fitted car restraints and ensuring your child has a safe and comfortable car journey.
More informationAccording to recent RAC surveys the price of fuel has been going up by almost a penny a day in recent weeks. It seems to have steadied now but with diesel nudging into the low £1.30 a litre zone it is clear that the lower prices we have got used to may be a thing of the past - again!
More informationNow that the worst of the weather is over (fingers crossed) the roadworks have started and repairs are being made. This could affect our daily commute to work, or even prolong the school run.
More informationWhen I say ‘never meet your heroes’ I don’t mean in terms of people you admire – I never got a chance to meet racing driver Ayrton Senna, but I have had the pleasure of meeting and working with 1992 Formula 1 World Champion Nigel Mansell several times in his capacity of IAM RoadSmart President, and talk at length with him about his career and viewpoints.
More informationWhen we’re in a rush we sometimes forget about other road users around us. We teach our children to share nicely. We want them to understand the other child’s point of view. How then does this apply to driving or riding? Richard Gladman, head of driving and riding standards, has put together a few top tips to remind us of how to share the road with other users.
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