This session would be with my IAM Observer, Ian Souter and Charlie, who is the Chief Observer for the MKAM (Milton Keynes Advanced Motorists) who I am doing my IAM course with.
More informationThe hormonal changes of the menopause can be uncomfortable, distressing and unpredictable, and with the number of people experiencing menopause expected to reach 1.1 billion people by 2025.
More informationAfter my last observed ride, my IAM observer, Ian Souter, said the next session would be a mock test. Today was the next session! I’ve got to say I was a little nervous. But Ian put me at my ease fairly quickly and the weather was on my side which was a good start.
More informationNational Safe Speeds Day encourages motorists to comply with speed limits. It also encourages motorists to understand the benefits of legal and safe speeds.
More informationI met my IAM observer, Ian Souter, for my fifth observed ride at Ashridge. We were lucky with the weather today. Although it had been raining in the morning. By the afternoon it had stopped and pretty much dried up by the time we met which was good.
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