• 021

    If people say it can’t be done, I’ll find a way to do it

    Dr Andy Arnott has been a member of IAM RoadSmart since 2018 and has a long association with the National Association of Bikers with a Disability (NABD). He has written our latest blog about encouraging more bikers with disabilities to become Advanced Riders.

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    Many crashes take place many hours after drinking has stopped

    Stephen Willmott is one of the trainers who delivers the Drink Drive Rehabilitation Course for IAM RoadSmart’s Driver Retraining Academy. In 2019/20 our drink drive rehabilitation services helped almost 5,000 convicted drink drivers understand the dangers of alcohol, not only in relation to driving but to their health and lives in general.

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  • Triumph

    Motoring - was it better back in the day?

    I’m sure like me during lockdown you spent some time tidying things up, recycling & repurposing. After sorting through some old photographic slides my mother sent me an envelope containing a print picture that just got me wondering, was motoring really better back in the day or are we simply looking through rose-tinted glasses?

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    It's hybrid-matic!

    For the past two years, I’ve been driving a hybrid Kia e-Niro and thought it was about time I shared the experience with you all.

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    Resuming on road activities, Bristol Fashion

    Most people can seemingly remember where they were or what they were doing when, for example, the news broke that John F Kennedy had been assassinated, when England won the World Cup, when Princess Diana died or when the twin towers where hit on 9/11. Does the 16th March 2020 hold any significance for you?

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