Tips and Blogs

IAM RoadSmart has more than 60 years of unrivalled knowledge and experience of riding and driving. Below is a selection of helpful hints for all road users, as well as blogs and members stories from those within our community.

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  • Christmas

    Reducing stress this Christmas

    Stress is something everyone feels at times, and there are all kinds of stressful situations that can be a part of daily life. Christmas is a time of year that can add additional stresses to our lives so it’s very important to monitor and pay attention for your wellbeing – after all, mental health doesn’t take time off at Christmas.

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  • Washing motorbike

    Preparing your bike for winter

    With the arrival of colder and wetter weather, most riders decide now is the time to hang up their helmets and stop using their bike throughout winter. However, it isn’t as simple of just not riding a motorbike, that's why IAM RoadSmart has pulled together some top tips on how to store your motorcycle safely.

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  • EV charging station

    Charging up across the UK

    As part of a Ten-point plan to support its net zero goals to 2050, the UK government announced a plan to end the sale of new petrol and diesel cars from 2030 onwards. But is the UK’s charging infrastructure ready?

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    The big skills refresher

    As an IAM RoadSmart poll revealed reduced levels of confidence among non-advanced riders and drivers, Richard Gladman, IAM RoadSmart’s Head of Driving and Riding Standards, shares the essential skills everyone needs for staying sharp and keeping safe.

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  • Breakdown

    Avoid any horror breakdowns

    Breaking down can be dangerous and incredibly inconvenient, particularly if you’re travelling for a family getaway this October half-term. But with 488 miles of England’s motorway network made up of smart motorways and their hard shoulder becoming another lane to ease traffic flow, it’s more important than ever to ensure you can prevent avoidable breakdowns.

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Blog posts

  • AdobeStock_24091195_Dad daughter shoes

    Dad knows best

    On Father’s Day, Pete Doherty, Area Service Delivery Manager, reflects on how his daughter is following in his career and Advanced Driving footsteps and what that means to him.

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  • AdobeStock_162456542_11 June 20_rural road sunrise sunshine clouds

    Like father, like daughter

    In this week's blog, Kate Tonge, IAM RoadSmart Director of Marketing & Communications, writes about her father's love of Advanced Driving and his commitment to road safety, and the impact these had on her own driving.

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  • Derek Baker

    As a volunteer the reward is knowing I have given back to others

    To mark Volunteer Week (1-7 June), Derek Baker, Chief Observer and Group Secretary of Kidderminster Advanced Bikers, reflects on what volunteering for IAM RoadSmart means to him in this guest blog.

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  • IAM_PORTRAITS_0088_Shaun Cronin

    "It's life Jim, but not as we know it"

    "If I can just save one life by my actions, it is all worthwhile. And I know our observers and members feel the same way." As Shaun Cronin, IAM RoadSmart Regional Service Delivery Manager (Southern), like many of us during the COVID-19 pandemic, spends more time off the road, he ponders what his life would have been like were the country not in lockdown. His blog highlights how much he values all the work he does with IAM RoadSmart members, groups and volunteers in helping to improve road safety, and how much he's looking forward to continuing to make a difference when restrictions are lifted.

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  • AdobeStock_276078922_27APR20_QuietCountryRoadSunshine

    How much can change in a month

    Mike Quinton, IAM RoadSmart CEO, reflects on how much has changed for IAM RoadSmart members, groups, staff and communities over recent weeks as the country reacts to the impact of COVID-19 and ongoing lockdown. He shares his thoughts on the effects the Coronavirus has had on our work to improve road safety and how, collectively, we have responded to the extraordinary challenges faced.

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Member stories

Blog posts

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