Tips and Blogs

IAM RoadSmart has more than 60 years of unrivalled knowledge and experience of riding and driving. Below is a selection of helpful hints for all road users, as well as blogs and members stories from those within our community.

To enquire about one of our courses, please call our Customer Care Team on 0300 303 1134.




  • car seat

    Keeping your children safe on every journey

    Natalie from Car Seat Ninja, a mum of four who’s on a mission to provide comprehensive car seat advice and a retail service, is offering her years of experience and a wealth of knowledge to help every parent and guardian to keep their child safe on every journey.

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  • Tyre

    Check before you travel

    Winter tends to bring with it difficult driving and riding conditions, so now is a good time to remind ourselves how to drive safely when the temperature drops below zero whilst ensuring our tyres are up to scratch. With freezing conditions expected this week, it’s time to take extra care when travelling on the roads.

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  • Car park

    Stress-free parking this Christmas

    Christmas shopping can be the perfect way to start the festivities this season, and with some well thought out plans it shouldn’t break the bank to park.

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  • Snow tyres

    Winter driving tips

    In 2020, over 18,000 accidents were reported across the UK where rain, snow, fog, or high winds were a contributing factor. More severe road traffic accidents are happening in winter due to motorists being unprepared for driving in winter weather and ignoring weather warnings, and IAM RoadSmart believes now is the time to remind drivers how to drive safely when the temperature drops, and the daylight hours get shorter.

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  • Passengers

    How to have a greener Christmas

    Christmas doesn’t have to be a burden on the planet. With a little imagination and planning you can have all the festive fun without the footprint.

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Blog posts

  • car wing mirror

    From observed to observing

    "I passed my driving test aged 21, just two days before embarking on my career as a teacher. After finishing university, I needed to learn to drive quickly, so my lessons took place over the space of just one month."

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  • 20200722_163811

    Getting back on the road post lockdown

    "After laying off motorcycling following a bad accident at the age of 18 in 1990, I reached the age of 40 and it felt like it was time to try it again." Read our latest blog by James Balls who took on the Advanced Rider Course post lockdown.

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  • AdobeStock_162456542_11 June 20_rural road sunrise sunshine clouds

    "Remember the blue skies are still there"

    "I’m a firm believer that mental health is every bit as important as physical health. And when a challenging spell came along recently, I turned to Ben, a charity dedicated to supporting the people of the automotive industry, for support." Read our latest blog about the power of learning good mental health habits.

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  • Bailey Phoenix 2

    Caravanning: Staycation’s New King?

    “What began as an accidental holiday evolved into caravanning trips across 30 countries, some of which would’ve been ‘interesting’ without IAM RoadSmart training.” Lee Davey, IAM RoadSmart member and Caravan and Motorhome Club member, has written the latest blog about his family adventures in the humble caravan.

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  • MarkBlog

    On the road again

    Mark Anstey, Chief Observer at Chelmsford & District Advanced Motorcyclists (CaDAM), has written the latest blog on getting back on the road following lockdown.

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Member stories

Blog posts

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