Tips and Blogs

IAM RoadSmart has more than 60 years of unrivalled knowledge and experience of riding and driving. Below is a selection of helpful hints for all road users, as well as blogs and members stories from those within our community.

To enquire about one of our courses, please call our Customer Care Team on 0300 303 1134.




  • Cost of living hints and tips

    Saving yourself money

    With high fuel prices, MOT, tax, regular maintenance, and unexpected repair costs, IAM Roadsmart knows how expensive owning a car can get – and, in these uncertain times, many drivers are looking for ways to cut their motoring costs.

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  • Winter Driving Tips

    Winter Driving Tips

    Accidents and breakdowns are more common in the winter when road conditions are challenging and with a cold snap forecast for parts of the UK, now is the time to check your vehicle is ready for the road.

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  • Road Trip Essentials

    Road Trip Essentials

    Are you planning a romantic road trip this Valentine’s Day? Or maybe a family getaway over half term? Whilst planning your route, packing your bags, and making sure your home is secured before you set off, do you make sure that you and your car are fully prepared for your long drive?

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  • Keep Motoring Costs Down

    Keep Motoring Costs Down

    With the cost-of-living crisis impacting many of us, IAM RoadSmart is looking at ways motorists can keep costs down without compromising on safety. Making small changes to the way we drive or ride and look after our vehicles can add up to big savings.

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  • 5 ways to get more out of your time on the road in 2023

    5 ways to get more out of your time on the road in 2023

    As we head into 2023, new year’s resolutions are often at the forefront of our minds. We might want to cut down on junk food, exercise more, spend more time with the family or finally kick that bad habit. But how about a new adventure?

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Blog posts

  • A Road Trip With A Difference

    A Road Trip With A Difference

    What do you do when you need a holiday after a couple of years being stuck at home because of successive Covid-19 lockdowns? You drive to the Arctic Circle of course! That was exactly what IAM RoadSmart member Zak Southwood, and his girlfriend Darcy McGowan did at the start of this year; fulfilling Zak’s long held ambition to take the trip to the outer reaches of Europe.

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  • Isle of Wight Banner

    Isle of Wight and beyond

    When we started planning our trip to the Isle of Wight, I was more focused on making sure we had everything for the trip, forgetting that the charge on the car would be vital.

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  • Motorway

    Motorway Safety

    In this the second of IAM RoadSmart’s series of expert driving tips, Head of Driving & Riding Standards Richard Gladman, takes a closer look at safe motorway driving.

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  • Electric car

    Part Two: The realities of owning an electric car

    Richard Gladman has written the second part of his experience of owning an electric car. "Part two sees me using the EV for an Examiner Quality Assurance assessment, and luckily for me the assessment is for the examiner who lives closest to me. A couple of days without any business-use and the car, if charged to the recommended 80% at cheap overnight rates, should see me do a day’s work without charging."

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  • Empty road

    Developing new skills to boost concentration

    At 24 Rebecca had been driving for several years, so what did she gain from taking the IAM RoadSmart Advanced Driving Course last year? Confidence, more enjoyment out of driving, improved observation skills and tools to aid concentration.

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Member stories

Blog posts

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