Additional Support Materials

External Campaigns

To aid our purpose of the advancement of road safety for all users, we support several partners and other road safety organisations with their campaigns. You too can show your support by sharing these toolkits and assets with your Group and followers.

THINK! Travel Like You Know Them Campaign

This toolkit from THINK! explains their ‘Travel Like You Know Them’ campaign which has been developed to help embed the changes of the Highway Code and encourage understanding and uptake of the new guidance. The last page includes a link where you can download assets to support the campaign.

National Highways Campaign

With safety our number one priority at National Highways, we aim to at least halve the number of people killed or seriously injured on our roads by the end of 2025, with a longer-term goal of achieving a zero-harm network. To support this vision and help road users to stay - and feel - safe on our road network, our Journey Planning road safety campaign encourages drivers to plan in advance, including all necessary vehicle checks as well as factoring in rest stops before setting off on any long or significant journey during autumn and winter seasons.


We have produced three webinars that you can use as training resources. Click the link to take you to the page where you can view the webinars and download them for group use.


Click the link to take you to the document where you can learn how to support neurodiversity.