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Congratulations to Nigel Moore who, on 16th of March, passed his advanced test with a F1rst. His Examiner was Colin Thaxter and his Observer was Phil Coleman.
Congratulations to David Burden who passed his advanced test with a F1rst. His Examiner was Colin Thaxter. David was previously one of our team of Observers and since stepping down from that role a while ago he put himself forward for a retest, David was assisted in preparing by Phil Coleman and Gordon Egerton.
Well done to Dave Smart who has passed his Advanced Driving Test. His Examiner was Adrian Short and his Observer was Duncan Ford.
Well done to Linda Stanford who has passed her Advanced Driving Test. Linda's Examiner was Richard Mansfield and her Observer was John France.
Congratulations to Robin Geall who passed his advanced test with a F1rst. His Examiner was Colin Thaxter and his Observer was Bernard Timbers.
Congratulations to Oliver on passing National Observer Assessment on 28/1/2020 with John Biggs.
Well done to Kevin Bell who has passed his Advanced Driving Test. Kevin's Examiner was Richard Mansfield and his Observer was Mike Duffin.
Following the recent decision by our Chairman Tony Higgs to step down and resign due to health reasons I am pleased to announce the appointment of David Mesquita-Morris as acting chairman with immediate effect. David joins us from another group where he had held the roles of Chief Observer and Vice Chairman.
Kate Tonge, Marketing Communications & Membership Director of IAM Roadsmart attended the January Committee meeting and gave an interesting presentation to those present to bring us up to date on the marketing of IAM courses and Membership, this was followed by the normal CSAM Committee business.
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