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Well done to Jenny Peter who has passed her Advanced Driving Test, her Examiner was Richard Mansfield and Observer was David Stevens.
Well done to Nick Warrington who has passed his Advanced Driving Test, his Examiner was Tony Johnson and Observer was Phil Coleman.
Well done to John Robbins who has passed his Advanced Driving Test, his Examiner was Adrian Short and Observer was Phil Coleman.
Congratulations to Matthew Davies who passed his advanced test with a F1rst. His Examiner was Tim Lincoln and Observer was Kevin Hopkins who should also be congratulated.
Congratulations to Ben Humphreys who passed his advanced test with a F1rst. His Examiner was Phil Deloughery and Observer was Ian Thomas who should also be congratulated.
Well done to Malk Monroe who has passed his Masters Re-Test, his Examiner was Stuart Haythorn
All drivers should be aware of changes to the Highway Code.
Congratulations to Paul Davies who passed his Fellow's Retest test with a F1rst.
Well done to Kenneth Carter who has passed his Advanced Driving Test, his Examiner was Adrian Short and Observer was Bernard Timbers.
Well done to Dave Cheeseman who has passed his Advanced Driving Test. Dave's Examiner was Richard Mansfield and Observer was John Chisholm.
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