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About us

Central Southern Advanced Motorists (CSAM) is an independent road safety charity affiliated to the Institute of Advanced Motorists (IAM). We run courses and events in West Sussex, part of East Sussex, and areas in Hampshire and Surrey.

CSAM covers most of West Sussex, part of East Sussex and ventures into both Hampshire and Surrey; it has over 40 years of advanced driving experience and is one of 200 Groups across the country. It is run as an independent charity affiliated to the Institute of Advanced Motorists (IAM), a leading light in promoting road safety research.

CSAM is a car Group, but there are thriving “sister Groups” catering for motorcyclists.

Our aim is to promote a higher standard of driving by means of the Advanced Driving Test and through education and research. We also organise motoring events and other social occasions (some not motor-related but of more general interest) for Group Members and their guests, at which Pass certificates are normally awarded to those who have recently passed the Advanced Driving Test.

Vijay Hajela Dr Vijay Hajela receiving his F1RST (distinction) certificate from our then President, Dennis Clement

We publish a quarterly Newsletter: you can view or download some recent editions here. You will also find the Events Diary as printed in the most recent Newsletter; however, for a totally up-to-date list you are advised to look on our Events page.

Those joining the Group as Associate Members are allocated an Observer for one-to-one coaching, through the Advanced Driving course, to prepare for the Advanced Driving Test. Successful candidates then become Full Members of both CSAM and the IAM.

All our Observers are volunteers and are fully trained and qualified, with many holding national qualifications through IMI (The Institute of the Motor Industry), the country’s leading quality assessor for the retail motor industry. All Advanced Driving Test Examiners hold a Police Advanced Driving Certificate (Class 1) to ensure that the IAM standard is uniform throughout the country.

Tuk Tuk Happily not too many of our Members' cars are as dodgy as this Sri Lankan Tuk Tuk ...

We want to encourage all sectors of the community to become better drivers, and try very hard to focus on the younger motorist – the most vulnerable on our very busy roads. There is no age limit – all drivers are welcome and can benefit from independent observation and coaching.

Whether you are a keen driver, or simply one who regards motoring as a means of getting from A to B, let us help you (or someone you care about) to do it with safety and satisfaction. Don’t say “It’s not for me” – we are confident that you will find it an enjoyable exercise. We want you to be a better driver, so we prepare you thoroughly for the Test – we want all our candidates to pass!

For further information, use the Contact button or email our Membership Secretary, using the email address Alternatively, just come along to one of our meetings – details can be found on the Events page.