• nightdriving

    Low sun, no fun

    As autumn brings shortening daylight hours, Simon advises drivers on dealing with low sun and dazzle, especially during the morning and afternoon commute.

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  • shattered windscreen

    The 2014 road casualties rise reasons.

    The reasons may be diverse but we do know that distracted driving is a huge problem for road safety. We are in an era of smartphones, 4G and all the apps that distract road users. (drivers, cyclists, motorcyclists and pedestrians) and a common reason for road casualties in 2014 is that the drivers' fail to see properly.

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    The importance of responsible driving

    Companies today face multiple challenges and increasingly complex issues. Profitability, competitiveness, anticipating the needs of their customers, ensuring good working conditions for their employees and registering the company for environmental responsibility can all increase business pressure.

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  • Speeding on main road

    The worst cases of excessive speeding

    IAM Drive & Survive has lifted the lid on the worst examples of excessive speeding caught on safety cameras across England and Wales last year (2014). Britain’s two worst speeders were caught at 146mph, both by Kent Police on the M25. One was travelling anti-clockwise at Junction 5 at Clacket Lane Services, the other going clockwise at Swanley.

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    None for the road

    With the warm summer weather and lighter evenings often acting as an incentive for having a drink after work, Simon offers tips on how to avoid the drink drive temptation.

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