I was chatting the other day about my first ever motorcycle trip to Europe, it was a big adventure being allowed to stay away overnight and spend all day riding around in a group of friends.
More informationOn 1 September two important, and complementary, changes to car fuel economy and exhaust emission figures took effect. The Worldwide Harmonised Light Vehicle Test Procedure, or WLTP for short, and the Real Driving Emissions test, RDE, were both introduced.
More informationThe summer holidays have come to a close and for some parents not a moment too soon. Order and normality will resume along with the dreaded school run which starts again for another year. This week’s tips offers advice to drivers and riders on how to survive the term time road rush from IAM RoadSmart’s head of driving and riding standards, Richard Gladman.
More informationThe drink-driving conviction of television presenter Kirsty Gallacher has brought this issue into the spotlight, sadly at great cost to her, even though it appears that she did everything right the night before, taking a taxi home and planning to collect her car the next day. However, well into the following day, she was still found to be significantly over the alcohol limit.
More informationI travelled down to Weymouth recently to join what I hoped would be an interesting evening - a BikerDown! course.
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