• Speeding on main road

    The worst cases of excessive speeding

    IAM Drive & Survive has lifted the lid on the worst examples of excessive speeding caught on safety cameras across England and Wales last year (2014). Britain’s two worst speeders were caught at 146mph, both by Kent Police on the M25. One was travelling anti-clockwise at Junction 5 at Clacket Lane Services, the other going clockwise at Swanley.

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  • Fleets really leaner 1

    White paper: Fuel Efficiency and carbon reduction

    In the summer of 2013 we commissioned a survey to investigate how important environmental factors and fuel-saving were in influencing the decisions companies made regarding vehicle choice. All participants were key fleet decision makers or had some influence with the fleet decision making process. Whilst it is encouraging to see the acknowledged relevance of fuel-efficiency and environmental factors in the responses, it is concerning that relatively little is being done to facilitate the delivery of driver improvements through training and assessment.

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