• Drink driving

    Drink Driving – that’s something that went out in the 70’s, right?

    Many people today believe drink driving has been consigned to the past and all drivers are aware of the serious dangers and consequences it can have; not only to the driver but the public around them. Sadly this isn’t the case and around 35,000 drink drive offences were recorded in the first nine months of 2015; whilst this number is lower than previous years, it shows this is not a problem left to the past but one that still confronts each and every road user today.

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  • FRM, roadside, Overtake risk, tractor-country-road.jpeg44

    Tractors on roads – love them or hate them?

    Living in the countryside is lovely, lots of fresh air (most of the time) less noise and traffic than in towns and some would say a slower pace of life. However I have noticed a few changes since my childhood: tractors for one have really changed.

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  • Eloise in car - CH - 25.07.16 download iamge

    My new role and the IAM RoadSmart 60th birthday car party

    You may seen the announcement and introduction of my new role and what I hope to achieve the previous blog by Sarah Sillars IAM RoadSmart chief executive officer. I’m really excited and proud to say I will be working with IAM RoadSmart during my gap year.

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  • eloise and carli copy

    Don’t dream it’s over

    “Careless” and “reckless,” are words we often hear associated with young drivers. Adding to this stigmatisation are the statistics in 2013 the Department of Transport found that 17% of young car drivers that were involved in crashes were careless, reckless or in a hurry, for 16% of accidents loss of control was determined to be a contributory factor and 22% were either travelling too fast for conditions or performed a poor turn or manoeuvre we need to support younger drivers, understand and moreover inspire them to be better drivers.

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  • Social media networking transportation and vehicle-distractions

    We need you! Using social media to spread the road safety agenda!

    There are 2.3 billion active social media users across the globe. In the past year there was a 176 million increase and 81% of small to medium sized organisations are using it for their business needs. It would be foolish of us not to embrace the advantages that come from this growing digital experience.

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