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    Keep a weather eye out for the vulnerable

    With cycling proving to be a popular and convenient way to get around, it is vital to stay alert when sharing the road with vulnerable road users. Here are some tips on what to look out for in summer traffic from IAM RoadSmart’s head of driving and riding standards Richard Gladman.

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    Are you sitting comfortably?

    The hustle and bustle of the UK commute isn’t always the easiest. With the summer holidays here, neither is driving the kids around for various activities. Here are some comfy driving tips from IAM RoadSmart’s head of driving and riding standards, Richard Gladman.

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    It’s that time … road trip!

    Summer is here and the holiday season is upon us. A lot of travellers try to kill two birds with one stone by driving and sleeping in the same place. Here are some road trip driving safety tips for you caravan and motorhome users from, IAM RoadSmart’s head of driving and riding standards, Richard Gladman.

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    All hot and bothered!

    Last week proved to be the hottest day of the year in the UK and it looks like summer has truly arrived. Here are some summer travelling safety tips from IAM RoadSmart’s head of driving and riding standards, Richard Gladman.

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    Summer, Summer, Summertime!

    From V Festival to garden BBQs, the UK summer season offers something for everybody. In many cases that’s booze. Here are some summer driving safety tips from, IAM RoadSmart’s head of driving and riding standards, Richard Gladman.

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