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    I can see clearly now

    Months of air conditioning and dust builds up a grimy layer on the inside of the windscreen, so spend a couple of minutes getting it really clean. Use a window cleaning fluid, newspaper or a microfibre cloth. A squeaky clean surface will eliminate glare from the low autumn sun and greatly reduce the likelihood of the screen misting up. Carefully clean the rear screen so that you don’t damage the heater elements and you’ll save having to put the heated rear window on so much, which can cost two or three mpg while it’s on, says Tim Shallcross, IAM RoadSmart head of technical policy.

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    Pedestrians in the dark – as the nights draw in: tips from IAM RoadSmart

    With summer well and truly over and the clocks now reverting to GMT, the nights will be well and truly drawing in. During the period of shorter daylight hours (October to March) we statistically see more incidents involving pedestrians and vulnerable road users than during other months.

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  • autumn

    Preparing for the cold spell in your high-tech car – driving advice from IAM RoadSmart

    It’s that time of year. Too late for holiday advice, too early to panic about blizzards or shortage of road salt, so every motoring organisation and journal will be dusting off the “Prepare your car for winter” press release.

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  • dealer2

    How to tell a bargain from a banger - tips from IAM RoadSmart

    Holidays are over, Christmas is not yet on the horizon and forecourts are full of pre-owned cars which have been traded in to get the latest “67” plate. For lots of us, now is the time we think about trading up to a newer model.

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  • airport parking

    Check in here for airport parking tips from IAM RoadSmart

    Travelling to an airport for many includes taking the car and having to book parking for the duration of your trip which can be an expensive addition to the overall cost. This week’s tips give advice to all those planning to leave their car at an airport while they enjoy their time away, from IAM RoadSmart’s head of driving and riding standards, Richard Gladman.

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