Tips and Blogs

IAM RoadSmart has more than 60 years of unrivalled knowledge and experience of riding and driving. Below is a selection of helpful hints for all road users, as well as blogs and members stories from those within our community.

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    Holiday on ice: Tips from IAM RoadSmart

    It’s the start of the New Year and temperatures have dropped below zero in many places. Even though we hope most drivers will be getting back into their usual routines, the icy roads won’t make the return to work so easy. This week’s tips give advice on how to deal with driving and riding on ice, from IAM RoadSmart’s head of driving and riding standards Richard Gladman.

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    Starting 2017 on a high note

    It feels like it was just yesterday that we were heading into 2016 - and now 2017 is nearly here. Even though many of us will be stuck in traffic trying to get to fireworks or parties we hope everyone stays safe. This week’s tips give advice for those drivers and riders travelling during this New Year week, from IAM RoadSmart’s head of driving and riding standards Richard Gladman.

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    No place like home for the holidays

    The time has finally come for the pigs in blankets, stuffing and the inevitable turkey. During this festive season many of us will be making our way home to celebrate the joyous season with family. This week’s tips give advice for those travelling for Christmas during this busy season, from IAM RoadSmart’s head of driving and riding standards Richard Gladman.

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    Tis the season to be worn out!

    During this festive season most of us will be running around shopping and meeting with friends and family to celebrate their hard earned break. Even though we hope most drivers will have managed to get their full eight hours sleep, this isn’t always the case and we need to be aware we could be sharing the road with many a stressed and exhausted scrooge. This week’s tips give advice on how to deal with fatigue whilst travelling during this busy season, from IAM RoadSmart’s head of driving and riding standards Richard Gladman.

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    More sunshine…more glare time

    While any amount of sunshine is welcomed at this time of year, the glaring low winter sun is taking no prisoners. In 2015 dazzling sun was a factor in over 2,500 crashes including 17 fatalities. Even though we have many tools that aid in protecting us from the glare, we often forget to use them. This week’s tips give advice on how to stay safe on the road with the glare of the sun on rampage, from IAM RoadSmart’s head of driving and riding standards Richard Gladman.

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Blog posts

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    Scottish Borders Under17 Driving Event

    Back in January when I was standing in the middle of CharterHall estate on a disused racing circuit converted to a landing strip, in the cold and rain with John Cleland former Super Saloon racing champion and now Volvo and Jaguar dealer in Galashiels, Amanda Smith, Shaun Cronin, Gill Macgregor all from IAM RoadSmart, and Andy McClean Chief Inspector of Scottish Borders police, the idea of conducting an under 17 drivers event it seemed like the impossible.

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    If it’s Thursday it must be ….Hannover!

    IAM RoadSmart's director of policy and research shares with us what he got up to in Hannover. From learning about the use of driving simulators to assess dementia and minor cognitive impairments to gaining an insight into other research works going on around the world, Neil has the latest from his visit.

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    The Biker Down experience – an experience that’s totally worth it

    If you arrive on scene just after the incident will you be a help or a hazard? You may be the only chance the casualty has. The sad fact is if you are a motorcyclist in a group your casualty is likely to be someone in your group. Well, in true Dads Army fashion ‘Don’t Panic’ and why not get yourself along to a Biker Down course?

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    Getting to know you

    Last week, IAM RoadSmart's senior communications executive, Rodney Kumar, had the honour of being invited to the Western Group of Motoring Writers Annual Driving Day at Castle Combe circuit. To find out more about what he got up to and why such events can prove fruitful, read more.

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    Are we there yet?

    As father of two young children in a family that likes to go to places varied and widespread, we do many a mile together on the UK’s roads. Car journeys account for 68% of all journeys made and leisure is the principle reason in 40% of all cases*, so we’re not alone.

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Member stories

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