Tips and Blogs

IAM RoadSmart has more than 60 years of unrivalled knowledge and experience of riding and driving. Below is a selection of helpful hints for all road users, as well as blogs and members stories from those within our community.

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  • drink distraction V2

    Five distractions to look out for inside your vehicle

    We’re all aware of certain things around us that we need to look out for when we’re driving, such as pedestrians, cyclists and motorbikes. But how often do we check what potential distractions we have inside our vehicle? Richard Gladman, IAM RoadSmart’s head of driving and riding standards, lists five items that could cause a distraction while driving.

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    Have you done your POWDERY checks?

    It may not feel like spring, but the winter season is officially over. And this means that many of us are keen to wipe the dust from our bikes and get them into top shape for the sunnier days that we are eagerly waiting for. Richard Gladman, IAM RoadSmart’s head of riding and driving advice, explains the POWDERY checks you should do on your bike before setting off for your first ride of the season.

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    5 tips for a smooth drive into spring

    The clocks have gone forward and days are longer than nights for the next six months; it’s time to get your car hale, hearty and ‘beach body ready’ in preparation for the spring. This week’s tips give advice on getting your car ready for the warmer weather, from IAM RoadSmart’s head of driving and riding standards, Richard Gladman.

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    Dealing with vulnerable road users

    As we make the same commute every day to work and back, we can get used to seeing pedestrians on the streets, motorcyclists on the road and even a few cyclists appearing now that the season is officially changing. But this can sometimes mean we get a little too used to the things around us and may unintentionally stop paying attention to our surroundings. Richard Gladman, IAM RoadSmart’s head of driving and riding standards, provides a set of tips to refresh your knowledge on how to manage vulnerable road users.

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    Have you prepared for St Patrick’s Day?

    With St Patrick’s Day coming up, many of us will be celebrating by going on a night out. But have you done all you can to make sure you get home safely without the need of a car? Richard Gladman, IAM RoadSmart’s head of driving and riding standards, provides crucial tips on the preparations you need to make before, during and after drinking alcohol.

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Blog posts

  • c86a7ed3-a3f3-4c82-8cc8-c15a929eda3f

    TV Tales – The Camera Never Lies…?

    I hope you have noticed IAM RoadSmart on the TV during 2017. We have been very successful in getting our spokespeople onto BBC News and Sky News as spokespeople, and also onto other shows promoting our work as a road safety charity.

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    A driving ambition – Life on the road after strokes

    Edward Ruskin has been fascinated with cars and motorcycles from the age of 17. He took up driving lessons and passed first time and that started it. He had a brilliant driving instructor who luckily gave him some advanced type of training before he had even passed. And he celebrated passing by buying a motorbike (he never seemed to do the normal thing!).

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    IAM RoadSmart at The London Motor Show

    On Thursday 4 May 2017 Eloise Peabody-Rolf, IAM RoadSmart's younger driver ambassador headed up to Battersea Evolution in Battersea Park to the London Motor Show (LMS). As part of the events and activities planned for our 2017 Year of the Observer initiative, our hard working observers, examiners and group officials had been invited to attend a VIP Drinks Reception on the Thursday evening, the LMS’s opening day, and was delighted to be there as part of the IAM RoadSmart team.

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  • old driver blog

    The Butterfly Effect

    There have been a number of highly publicised incidents involving older drivers in the last few weeks. Although these cases are very tragic, it would be harmful for us as a society to take these incidents, out of proportion. We highlight why.

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    Times change and so do some practices.

    Sometimes when things change they do so loudly and with a great deal of publicity, with government announcements about policy change, or new laws. We’ve changed all sorts of things, that way – introducing seat belt wearing would be an excellent (if old) example.

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Member stories

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