Research reports

As well as issuing road safety policy statements and working with government and the media, the IAM RoadSmart Policy & Research Team undertake research into driver behaviour and a range of other road safety issues. Following are a sample of our recent published reports.

Mature driver assessment

Research report posted on 19/02/16 |
Older Drivers

The IAM Mature driver’s assessment (MDA) is a 60-minute session taken in a candidates own car with an approved assessor from the IAM.

It is aimed at mature drivers who wish an independent view of their standard of driving measured against a standard set of indicators recorded on a form.

This report summarises the findings from a quantitative analysis of 558 MDA assessment forms recording information on age, gender and outcome, in addition to a qualitative telephone survey.

Supporting media

  • Mature Drivers Assessment 1
    Mature driver assessment IAM RoadSmart Report
    0.4 MB