Research reports

As well as issuing road safety policy statements and working with government and the media, the IAM RoadSmart Policy & Research Team undertake research into driver behaviour and a range of other road safety issues. Following are a sample of our recent published reports.

Evaluation of Advanced Motorcycling 2020

Research report posted on 21/10/20 |
Safer Road Users
IAM RoadSmart's new study has found that that motorcyclists who have taken an Advanced Rider course have safer attitudes on the roads and are involved in fewer collisions per mile than riders who have not completed advanced rider coaching.  Conducted by leading research company Agilysis, the survey of c.1,300 riders, including IAM RoadSmart members and non-advanced qualified motorcyclists, also revealed that advanced riders are more aware of the limitations of other drivers and riders and are therefore more likely to show consideration for their fellow road users. 

The aim of the research was to determine if IAM RoadSmart membership leads to safer attitudes and behaviours among motorcyclists. It answers four key questions comparing IAM RoadSmart members with demographically similar motorcyclists:

  • Do IAM RoadSmart riders score lower on attitudinal scales associated with collision risk, than non-members?
  • Do IAM RoadSmart riders report fewer injury and damage only collisions than non-members?
  • Are there differences in self-reported speed choice between IAM RoadSmart riders and non-members?
  • Do IAM RoadSmart members differ from non-members in terms of general attitudes to safety?

    IAM RoadSmart riders seem to be more aware of the limitations of other road users and, as such, are more likely to agree with statements about anticipating the actions of others. They are less likely to agree with statements about alcohol consumption and riding (i.e. that it is safe to drink and ride). The differences in these particular attitudes were statistically significant. There are also differences in reported behaviour – IAM RoadSmart riders report being less hostile to other road users, not speeding in limits under 40mph and not approaching bends too quickly. However, they are more likely to admit to exceeding higher speed limits and undertaking on the inside. However, the differences in those behaviours were not statistically significant. There were also some notable differences in general behaviour – IAM RoadSmart members are more likely to be involved in their local community and have strong views on roads policing.

    This study concludes that, compared to demographically similar motorcyclists, IAM RoadSmart members do demonstrate more positive attitudes in relation to collision risk and report fewer collisions, once mileage is accounted for. They also appear to be more confident in their skills when it comes to speed selection.

    You can download a full copy of the report below.

  • Supporting media

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      Evaluation of Advanced Motorcycling
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