Chairman and Vice Chair

Stuart Donald QPM


Stuart Donald QPM

Nick Stein

Vice Chair

Nick Lomas

Stuart Donald QPM - Chairman

Stuart brings with him 30 years of policing experience at Humberside Police, retiring in 2015 as an Assistant Chief Constable. He has experience in traffic policing and was a Class 1 police advanced driver.

He was UK national lead for Neighbourhood Policing, Police Community Support Officers, Operational Response Policing and Roads Policing Enforcement Speed and Red-Light Technology. Stuart was awarded the Queens Police Medal for distinguished service in the 2011 Birthday Honours List.

Since 2015 he has provided specialist policing consultancy including police leadership and community policing training, and between 2016 and 2019 he operated as a traffic policing expert in the Middle East.

Stuart holds an MA in Criminology from Hull University and is an Associate Lecturer for degree level students at the University of Lincoln. He is also Chair of the independent advisory panel to the UK military Defence School of Transport.

Nick Lomas - Vice Chairman

Nick Lomas joined IAM Roadsmart as a Trustee in March 2020. He, alongside his Board peers, gives up his time to ensure decisions are made in the best interests of the charity, working alongside CEO, Antony Kildare, and the senior leadership team.

Nick has a wealth of experience that he brings to his post on the Board. He is the director general of the Caravan and Motorhome Club. He is an elected board member of the UK Tourism Alliance, the representative body of the UK tourism industry. He is also a member of the FIA (International Automobile Federation) Region 1 management council guiding the mobility, advocacy, and road safety work of the federation.