Improve your parking with IAM RoadSmart

Blog post posted on 12/10/23 |

Being able to park well is an essential part of being a responsible and confident driver. However, selecting the most suitable car park and parking bay, interpreting road signs and road markings, and knowing the Highway Code when manoeuvring can be daunting for many drivers. 

We’ve put together some handy tips for you to park like a pro. 

Can I park here?  

Before choosing a spot make sure it’s safe and legal to park there. You can usually tell by the road markings and road signs. Can you get in and out of the parking space easily and confidently? If you must drive in, take extra care when reversing out. When parallel parking, ensure that you choose a space that is large enough for you to manoeuvre into and out of again. One and one-half times your vehicle length should be enough. Adjusting your nearside mirror downwards will help you check the kerb - just remember to adjust it back again.


Firstly, avoid any distractions. Turn the music down, don’t get distracted by the tech in your vehicle and don’t be tempted to fiddle with your phone. Doing these things mean you’re more likely to hear other vehicles and pedestrians, including children who could be running around the area where are you trying to park. 

Take your time

Don’t feel pressured, many drivers feel the watchful eye of other drivers and pedestrians when they try to park.

Know your neighbours 

Choose your parking neighbours and space carefully; a car which is looked after and in good condition is less likely to have a door open into yours. Also, although never on purpose, a car with child seats in it might have children who are not quite as careful when in charge of the door. 

Parking manoeuvres

For those new to driving, and even the most experienced, parallel parking can be a source of anxiety at the best of times. It involves a lot of hand-eye coordination, judgement, and vehicle control. For more advice and help, we have a helpful video on how to  Improve your parking and manoeuvring: tips from IAM RoadSmart - YouTube 

While many of us consider ourselves generally confident and capable behind the wheel, there may be some areas, like parking, in which we might need a knowledge or confidence boost. Why not take one IAM RoadSmart’s On-Road modules   

IAM RoadSmart’s Policy and Standards Director, Nicholas Lyes, said:

"Even in this age of parking assist technology, the fundamentals of parking remain the same – always check location, space, and those around you. And of course, don’t park in an anti-social manner that blocks access for other road users.”