Have a safe T.R.I.P. this summer

Blog post posted on 25/07/23 |
It’s the start of summer holidays this week, and you may be thinking about going on holiday, having a day out, or visiting friends and family. But did you know that summer driving places unique strains on the driver with longer unfamiliar journeys, distraction in the car, heat, and often lack of sleep?

As the government-owned organisation responsible for England’s motorways and major A-roads, National Highways has some tips on how to travel safely this summer.

Have a safe TRIP Top-Up Rest Inspect Prepare

T Top-up your fuel/electricity charge, oil and screen-wash. Simple checks pre-journey could prevent a vehicle breakdown.

R Rest up the day before you start on your long journey. Plan and allow a few breaks every two hours get to your destination. You could stretch your legs at a motorway service area, or one of 500 places managed by National Trust. Visit their website for more details.

I Inspect your tyres. It takes around 10 minutes to check tyre pressure and treads – a small amount of time to invest in your big trip. 

P Prepare for severe weather. During periods of extreme hot weather, adjust your travel to avoid the hottest days and times of day if you can. Carry a kit of essential summer supplies just in case you need them, especially if there's a forecast for severe weather.
Keep safe this summer prepare for every eventuality

On the road

Summer is a popular time for cyclists, motorcyclists, walkers and horse riders to get out and about, so please take particular care to give them space and time. Slow down on sharp bends in case there’s one of these road users around the corner.  

Hot weather puts your vehicle’s engine under extra stress. Plan a few breaks to stop and allow it to cool down.

What if you break down?

Always carry details of your breakdown recovery provider with you. Put their number and National Highways’ number – 0300 123 5000 – into your phone now.

If your vehicle has a problem, or you get into trouble on a motorway, stay calm and try to exit at the next junction or motorway service area. 

If that’s not possible:
1. Put your left indicators on and move into the left lane.
2. Enter the next emergency area, the hard shoulder or left-hand verge.
3. Put your hazard lights on even if it’s daytime. If it’s dark, use side lights. In poor visibility use your fog lights.
4. Leave space so you and your passengers can get out of your vehicle from the side furthest from traffic. Take your kit of essentials with you. Take care if retrieving items from the boot.
5. Get behind a safety barrier where there is one - keep well away from moving traffic.
6. If you stop in an emergency area, use the free emergency phone available. This will connect you directly to the National Highways operations centre and tells us where you are.
7. If you’re not near an emergency phone, call National Highways from a mobile phone. Our number is +44 300 123 5000. Then call your breakdown provider for help.

If you break down in a live traffic lane or can’t leave your vehicle

If you are unable to exit your vehicle, have stopped in a live traffic lane or in roadworks, or you feel your life is in danger: 
• stay in your vehicle with your seatbelts and hazard lights on 
• call 999 immediately or press the emergency call (eCall) SOS button in your car (if there is one) to speak to a 999 operator.  
• The emergency services can alert us, so we can close motorway lanes and send other help as required, such as a Traffic Officer.

Help for vulnerable road users

 If you or anyone in your vehicle is unable to follow our breakdowns advice for any reason:
• stay in your vehicle
• keep your seatbelts and hazard warning lights on
• call 999 immediately. The emergency services can alert us, so we can close motorway lanes and send other help as required, such as a Traffic Officer
• Tell the operator if you're disabled and/or a vulnerable motorist such as an older person or travelling alone.

If you’re unable to use the roadside emergency phones you can contact us via text on 0738 028 3600 for roadside assistance. If you're a British Sign Language user you can use the SignLive service. 

You can also call 999 because the emergency services will alert us. Remember to carry any medication you need with you. For more information take a look at our website.

Towing a trailer, caravan or horse box?

Ensure this is connected carefully to your vehicle and your breakaway cable is secure. Weigh your load and secure it safely and within the manufacturer’s recommended limits of your vehicle and trailer. Make sure you have the correct driving licence category and vehicle insurance cover.

We understand that breaking down on a motorway or A-road can be stressful for drivers and horses. If you need further advice or support from one of our traffic officers call us on +44 300 123 5000. In the case of an emergency, always call 999.

Keep yourself and others safe

Sheena Hague, Director of Road Safety at National Highways says “Doing some simple journey planning and vehicle checks is vital to help keep your trip safe and smooth. If you see a warning light on your vehicle dashboard, don’t ignore it. Act now before you start out on any big journey.”

Remember, it may be safer to stay in your vehicle and wait for help than to get out. If you decide it’s safer to leave, and you can get out with any passengers, exit your vehicle on the side furthest from traffic.

Home safe and well

On behalf of everyone at National Highways, we hope you have a relaxing, safe summer. 
When you get home from your summer staycation be sure to share your favourite holiday memories with us as part of National Highways’ #ARoadsToSummer social media competition! 

We’re looking for the most creative or funniest photos or videos. There are six National Trust holiday vouchers, each worth £500, up for grabs. Follow us on Twitter, Instagram or Facebook to find out more. See A-roads to Summer competition for more details, along with the terms and conditions. The competition runs 24 July to 10 September 2023.
A roads to summer competition