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Our Observers

Our Observers are all unpaid volunteers who provide on-the-road coaching in the system of advanced driving advocated by IAM RoadSmart ("IAM") to our Associate Members. There are two grades of Observer, both of which are certified by the Institute of the Motor Industry ("IMI"). The grades, and the number we have within each grade, are:

  • National Observer - certified by the IMI and mentored and tested by independent IAM/IMI examiners. Many are senior Observers with many years’ experience.
  • Trainee Observer - Currently undergoing Observer training within the Group


Many of our Observers have achieved Masters standard, which is the highest standard of driving awarded by IAM, and also the highest standard available to civilian drivers.

Without our Observers we could not provide the necessary training for our associates. Our Observers, all volunteers, having passed their Advanced Driving Test, decided to take on the challenge and to freely give their time to the development of others. These are our observers:

IMI Approved National Observers

  • Steve Price - Joint Chief Observer (Masters)
  • Oliver Turley - Joint Chief Observer
  • Tony Supperstone (Masters)
  • Denis Hale (Masters)
  • Peter Skinner
  • Mike Richardson (Masters - Car & Bike)
  • David Rogers (Masters)
  • Andy Philips (Masters)

IMI Trainee National Observers

  • David Wilkinson
  • Simon Wensley
  • Bob Mayne