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How to become a member of the IAM

IAM membership is open to anyone who has passed the advanced driving or riding tests or to those who qualify by exemption (holding a recognised qualification).

Membership of an IAM local group starts with your advanced riding course. Qualified observers guide and mentor you through to advanced rider accreditation status. It is necessary to join the IAM before you join an IAM local group.

Begin your journey to IAM membership and an advanced qualification.

IAM membership through

IAM membership through

How to join your IAM RoadSmart local group

If you are already a member of the IAM and want to get more involved with your local group then you can quickly and easily join us.

Local membership opens up a world of opportunities that enable you to meet like-minded people, share ideas and even further develop your skills with us.

Our groups couldn’t exist without the help of thousands of dedicated members who give their time to help others improve their skills. 

If you are interested in joining us or you can donate just a few hours of your time to the group then please get in touch.