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Update from IAM RoadSmart

Posted on 14/05/20 |
Be ambassadors for motorcycling and IAM RoadSmart

In response to the government's slight relaxation of the lockdown rules, we have had many enquiries about restarting motorcycle observing. Motorcycle News has been in touch with Number 10 and has published an article which says from Wednesday 13 May, you can ride your bike to an open space and there is no restriction on the distance travelled. They also remind us that social distancing should be maintained, and on your arrival, you should stay two metres from other visitors.

IAM RoadSmart does not believe the time is right to start observing on motorcycles but we are monitoring the situation and will be ready to start as soon as government advice allows. If you are going for a ride on your bike within the guidelines be sensible - we are all ambassadors for motorcycling and IAM RoadSmart and we need to promote a responsible attitude. Stay local and be careful, build your skills back up and make sure you stay safe, don’t let us come in for criticism by jumping the gun on group rides or observing.

Group rides and observed runs do not fit within the guidelines.  If you are accompanied on your travels it should be by a member of your household (or one socially distanced friend so two bikes).  The restrictions are in place for a valid reason to slow the spread of the virus.  The changes in restrictions only apply to England and the lockdown remains in Wales, Scotland and Northern Ireland.

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