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Annual Membership Survey 3/2020

Posted on 07/04/20 |
Some of the highlights from our annual membership survey held in March are listed below. Almost half of our members replied, which is really good for a survey- thanks everyone.

CAM Membership Survey Results 3/2020

81% were very satisfied with the CAM training and another 15% somewhat satisfied,
78% thought what we offered useful,
53% thought it enjoyable,
66% thought it good value for money,
80% felt the CAM offering met their needs either extremely well or very well, a further 17% saying somewhat well,
82% rated the social events as either excellent or above average,
88% rated our communications as either excellent or above average,
66% thought we were either extremely or very responsive to questions and enquiries,
75% would recommend CAM to a friend or colleague.

And a couple of things to work on: already actioned.

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