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Welcome to WAM

Posted on 01/03/21 |

With assistance from IAM RoadSmart, Members who consented to do so will be linked to CSAM. Please be aware that due to staff furloughs within IAM RoadSmart, this may take a little longer than expected, but rest assured you are now Members of CSAM (even if the admin takes a little while to catch up).

 Given how central the town of Worthing is in our new combined area, I see it becoming a very prominent location for future events and meet ups:


I am very encouraged by the news of last week showing a proposed timeline to ease the restrictions that we are all living under. We are looking forward to getting back to normal, starting with observed runs, once it is safe to do so.

 I look forward to meeting you all at future events.

Stay safe, on and off the road,

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