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Motoring over the Christmas period - smart motorways, variable speed limits, etc

Posted on 14/12/18 |
CSAM members will of course keep themselves up-to-date with technology, including smart motorways. However, at this particularly busy time on our roads we need to be aware that although we know the rules, others may not.

There is very clear guidance about driving on smart motorways on the website - How to drive on a smart motorway. The page deals with variable speed limits, speed limit enforcement, closed lanes, what to do in an emergency, etc, and members may like to pass on the link to family and friends.

Good advice on what to do in an emergency on a motorway is also contained in a press release How to cope with a motorway breakdown written by Neil Greig, IAM RoadSmart's director of policy and research. Follow the link or find it on the Media & Policy page of the IAM website.

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