To join our group you need to be a current IAM member, to join the IAM click here.
If you are already an IAM member then please get in touch with our group using the contact us link in the menu.
In this section we look to post pictures or stories about our members or about any of the group events as well as anything that has contributed to making our members' lives on the road more enjoyable. Why not send us your story or interesting pictures or give us your own version of the "Getting to know you" section.
If you click on either of the first two links below, you will be able to access the particular forms associated with renewing your membership to Aberdeen Advanced Motorists Group.
Contract Renewal Form: New membership contract renewal
Gift Aid form: New Gift Aid Form
If you are a new Associate, the form link below provides the principles that you should expect from your Observer and what your Observer expects from you.
Expectations: Expectations
Here is document created by IAM RoadSmart providing guidance to minimise the risk of contracting Covid 19 coronavirus
Last updated August '21
All AAM Observers are volunteers and the motorcycle Observers use their own protective gear, motorcycle and fuel when coaching and helping Associate motorcyclists become Advanced Riders. Consequently, our Observers would appreciate a contribution to the Observer's fuel costs, especially when the Observer is also giving up 1 - 2 hours of their time for each session. We hope motorcycle Associates agree to either provide £5 to cover the petrol or to treat the Observer to a coffee / cake as a goodwill gesture after each Observing session.
A Londoner by birth, Tony moved to Bristol in his early twenties where he took and passed the Institute of Advanced Motorists Advanced Driving Test in 1970; Tony has been a full paid-up member ever since making 2019 his 50th year with the charity. Tony said that his two-wheel road experiences started in 1965 with a Vespa GS125 and later a Suzuki 125 beach bike - with top speeds of around 50mph -"quite sedate by modern standards" jokes Tony, now. However, it is the cars in Tony's life that would make a significant classic car line up, worthy of any collections - initially learning to drive in one of the very first Morris 1100s then following on with an Austin A40 Farina, Mini Cooper, then a plethora of Triumphs (Spitfire MK4, GT6, TR6, Dolomite Sprint and 2.5PI) and even one of the first 2 door Land Rovers before graduating to more exotica such as a Ford Lotus Cortina Mk2, Gilbern GT, Porsche 928, Caterham Super7, Mercedes SLs and a 1930s Bentley plus many more. Tony's driving experience with all these British classics (Porsche & Mercs aside) has made him a committed classic car enthusiast.
In this section, we've invited a few of our Committee and Observer Members to tell us a little bit more about their bikes and cars and their motoring experiences. If you would like to add your own story, please send it to
and we will be only to happy to feature your contribution here.
Our first feature, kick starts with Joff Christie, our Chairman, Nick Readman, one of our biker National Observers, and Neil Warden, our Chief Observer, answering a few questions about their bikes and motorcycling experiences.
and with a focus on cars and motoring, Tony Webb starts us off with his story about cars and motoring:
then hot on his back bumper, Ken London adds his piece: