Transforming Riding: An Evaluation of Advanced Motorcycling

Research report posted on 08/03/16 |
Safer Road Users

This report shows clearly that preparing for and taking the IAM Advanced Motorcycle test bring positive and lasting benefits for motorcycle riders.

The vast majority of people who take our advanced rider courses say it makes them feel safer, more confident, more attentive, more observant and more decisive in their riding.

By doing so it also adds to their enjoyment on the road. IAM bikers report smoother progress and a much more conscious approach to their on-road behaviour. 61% of those surveyed even said that they had avoided being involved in an accident since they passed the test. Awareness of other road users including pedestrians and cyclists was raised as was knowledge of hazards and difficult conditions. 81% of those who had taken our training passed on what they had learned to friends or family and would recommend us.

Improving the safety image of motorcycling is a key component in promoting its role as a solution to congestion and other transport problems. It is clear that the IAM approach works but we need the support of central and local government, the emergency services and other agencies to promote our message to as many bikers as possible.

Supporting media

  • brochure
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