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Evan gets a F1RST with Wessex Advanced Motorists

Posted on 25/04/18 |

Evan Dyer,18, is one of the youngest drivers to take the Advanced Driver Course with Wessex Advanced Motorists. Evan won the course at the Somerset Road Safety Motofest event at Fleet Air Arm in October 2017; the prize was donated by ASDM Shaun Cronin. He passed with a F1RST. Evan said: “I wanted to do this course to be a safer driver and get my insurance down. I felt great when I found I won it. Driving to college and to my part time job in between my observed drives helped me practice what Paul Crowe, my observer, had been coaching and this helped me get as much out of the course as possible. I’d highly recommend this course, it is really worthwhile and it has made me more aware of everything around me when I’m driving." 

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