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Chair's update

Posted on 02/10/18 |

Hello everyone,

I'd like to give a special welcome to the bumper group of Associates we have on our Autumn course, all 15 of you!  Welcome and I hope that we haven't yet put you off and you're starting to get to grips with IAM Roadsmart.

I'm also pleased to inform you that Valerie Cunningham and Andrew Farrimond having recently passed the Advanced Test (both achieving a F1RST) have joined our Observer Team as Trainee Observers. Best wishes to you both as you begin your training.

It appears summer is finally over!  I hope you all managed to make the most of what has been one of the best summers on record.  I certainly did, visiting North Scotland with friends, although someone clearly hadn't told them we were having the lovely summer we were as it was damp and misty!

It was good whilst it lasted but it appears the weather has started to change.

Autumn is a particularly difficult time of year for driving, with the changeable conditions.  One minute it's the low-level sunshine you need to be aware of, the next the heavy rain or even the beginnings of ice and snow!  It can make even the simplest of drives just that bit more challenging and highlights the importance of consistently applying the System to all our driving.

So with that in mind, here's to your continued safe, systematic driving!

Tom Field
Group Chairman

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