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Chair's update

Posted on 01/10/17 |

In recent weeks we have been receiving great news on a number of fronts. Five Associates passed the Advanced Test with four achieving a FIRST. For the first time we had had a father and son (Paul and Andrew Heaton), on the same Course who then went on to pass the Advanced Test within weeks of each other. We now have a new ‘youngest person’ (18 year old Kate Riley) to have achieved a F1RST. Six of our Observers passed the Institute of the Motor Industry (IMI) accredited National Observer re-test. One of our Observers (Frank Rigby) has become our first member (to my knowledge) to take the Fellow Membership Test and he got a F1RST. Finally, seven new Associates have joined our Autumn Advanced Driver Course.

The Group is also one of 28 car and bike Groups around the country that are participating in a trial of ‘Group Sign Off’. IAM RoadSmart membership is achieved through evidence based progress run sheets during the Associates observed runs; no test is applied. The Group Sign Off Course operates to the same standard as the IAM RoadSmart Advanced Driver/Rider Course and only IAM RoadSmart training material may be used. 

Associate Mark Grove has been selected as the St. Helens Group candidate for the trial. The pilot is being carefully overseen by IAM RoadSmart area service delivery managers with feedback from Groups, Observers and Associates before a national rollout is considered or takes place.

The Group feels particularly vibrant at the moment. There is a lot going on but nothing can be achieved without the stirling work and commitment of our Observers who make themselves available week after week and Committee Members who do the behind-the-scenes planning and administration. Thank you to you all.

Well, that’s it from me. Safe driving and good observing.

Mark Farnworth
Group Chairman

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