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Observer Documents  

IAM RoadSmart have issued a Handbook to all Observers and an electronic version of this is on the IAM RoadSmart website. You need to log onto the site using your membership number and then go to the Observers and Observing section under Group Management.

There are a number of resources available to SHGAM Group Observers.  The links below will download the relevant documents.  Click on "Download" on the right hand side.

IMI National Observer Progress Summary car form

Aug 10, 2017, 23:32 PM by Mark Farnworth

Download (pdf)
406 KB

Committee Documents

Copyright of images and photographs - IAM Inform 30th October 2019
  • Examiner Feedback

    Dec 8, 2017, 22:09 PM by Mark Farnworth
    Examiners provide feedback about what they observe on Advanced Driving Tests.
    Full story