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Congratulations & Welcome to the Group for June 2019

Posted on 19/07/19 |


Congratulations to our Associates who have successfully passed the IAM test :

Matthew Gill       - F1rst -
Observers, Phil Scott & Alan Johnson
Gareth Johnson -  Pass 
Naomi Stevens   - Pass

Hoping to seeing you at our Group Meetings.

You may notice that each of our Associates who are successful at the advanced driving test have been assisted by two Observers. It is the general practice of NECAM for an Associate to be assisted by at least two observers during their preparation for the test. Usually one does the “groundwork” and the second checks that the Associate is test ready and “polishes off” any rough edges.

We find this system works well and ensures that the Associate gets the best possible opportunity of achieving a test pass, or a F1rst if they are particularly good drivers and enthusiastic about aiming high. It also aids the Observers in achieving uniformity in the standards required.

We are extremely grateful to the Examiners who also give feedback to our Chief Observer on the driving standard of each Associate who takes the test to assist in maintaining our standards.

We welcome feedback from our Associates at any time.