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Profile: Michael Bennett

Posted on 24/05/20 |

Profile: Michael Bennett

Michael Bennett Observer Profile

Local Observer
IAM RoadSmart Advanced Driver - F1RST

Observer based in Cheltenham

Professional Background & Advanced Driving Qualifications

Michael became aware of 'advanced driving' shortly after buying his first car in 2017.  With the Group's support he qualified as an advanced driver in April 2018, passing the IAM RoadSmart Advanced Driving Test with a F1RST.  Shortly afterwards Michael trained as a Local Observer, and now observes for the Gloucestershire Advanced Motorists group around the Cheltenham area. 

Supporting Our Group

Michael recently retired as a Group committee member, holding the portfolio of 'Young Driver Ambassador'.  This involves attending safety events and giving presentations at local schools and colleges - an area where we can hopefully make a significant difference to youngsters' perceptions of driving, and indeed the wider population's view of young drivers!  Michael also enjoys representing the group at local motoring events, which he finds are typically full of fantastic vehicles and fascinating people. 

Outside Interests

Michael is a keen outdoorsman, and enjoys suffering in the mountains, particularly when they are adorned with snow and ice.  The advanced driving course has definitely helped Michael to access mountaineering and kayaking destinations safely - a win-win!

Michael Bennett Cheltenham Observer

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