"We wish you a Merry Christmas, we wish you a Merry Christmas, we wish you a Merry Christmas, from all here at CAM!" 
As you read this, you may well be in the middle of your last minute preparations for your Christmas celebrations, whatever they may be! Not everyone celebrates Christmas, but whether you do or not, the bank holidays provide an opportunity to get together with friends and family.
Sadly, Christmas isn't a happy time for everyone, and our thoughts go out to those who are on their own who are remembering loved ones no longer with them.
"Glad tidings we bring, of better dri-ving,
through an advanced driving co-ourse,
with Chorley AM"
For those still looking for a last minute present, have you considered the gift of safer driving? IAM RoadSmart has electronic gift vouchers for all of its courses, from the full advanced driving course to specialist modules such as managing distractions (particularly pertinent at this time of year!). Click here for more information.
Whatever you are doing this weekend, all at CAM send good wishes for a safe and happy festive period.